
While I prepare this section for you (is an endless work-in-progress, you know) you can take a look down here ︎︎︎ 

Food Studies

 /// R E S E A R C H ///

“Demopoiesis: transformative and counter-hegemonic potential of rural social movements’ agency towards Food Systems’ democratization”

︎︎︎ Historiographical and socio-political investigation around the Contentious Politics concerning Food Governance.
︎ Ongoing research in "Ecogastronomy, Food Sciences and Cultures" PhD
@ UniSG ft. UniTo (IT)

Food rioting
 ︎︎︎ Final thesis for the master's degree
in "Food History and Culture" - UniBo- IT)

Pratiche relazionali del cibo Relational practices around Food
︎︎︎ essay edited by Postmediabooks

Re-actionary practices through Food
︎︎︎ article published on The Offbeats website 

/// B L U E P R I N T S ///

︎︎︎ (co-design for a) collective platform to foster knowledge exchange concerning Agroecology among the members of a CoP (small-scale farmers of Central Asia and the Balkans)

Occupy the kitchen!
︎︎︎ independent food artivism project questioning the relations among Food, Economics and Art
︎Ephemera conference

Urban Studies

/// R E S E A R C H ///

Tactical Urbanism
︎︎︎ Lecture and workshop @UniTn (IT)
︎︎︎ Lecture @ Sustainable Mobility Forum - Trento (IT)

Vibrant Urban Osmosis ︎︎︎ research article for Officina* - issue n.32 (Quarterly of Architecture, Technology and Environment)

Cittadini attivi, creatori di luoghi
︎︎︎ public speech on Partipatory Urban Desing and Placemaking practices 

La città inform[azion]ale ︎︎︎ MA thesis essay - Politecnico of Milan - IT)

/// B L U E P R I N T S ///

The Urban Observatory
︎︎︎ independent platform of research of Urban Studies focused on Public Space policies and Placemaking practices


︎︎︎ Portfolio (in update)
︎︎︎ CV (IT • ENG in update)
︎︎︎ my recipe